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Advisory support

The cultivation of self-awareness and self-esteem are crucial assets for the development of the ability to manage emotions, for the effective communication with others and for the student’s mental health and balance. These factors are essential for the acquisition of skills and knowledge, which, in turn, will ensure admission to the university and consequently a successful career.

For those reasons, in Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi there is a Center for Counseling and Psychological Support aiming at the psychological and emotional support of the child and adolescent, as well as the multiform co-operation between parents and teachers. Through the framework of operation of the Office of Counseling and Psychological Support, talks and meetings are organized by prominent scholars in the field, aimed at students, parents and teachers.

Vocational guidance

Vocational Guidance is a particularly important issue concerning all young people. As part of the effort to update and broaden their horizons in order to make the right choice, Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi has partnered with a reputable Center for Vocational Guidance and Career Management, which many years of experience in this field.

This specific program, works auxiliary and complementarily to the school’s Vocational Guidance course and includes:

  • informative speeches by qualified counselors to students
  • the completion of special questionnaires in cooperation with corresponding centers in Europe and America
  • individual interviews with students and parents
  • a complete dossier with a detailed analysis of the conclusions that have emerged during the collaboration that is given to students and their parents at the end of the program.

Study Abroad Office

Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi provides its graduate students with the necessary support in preparing and applying for admission to distinguished Universities in Europe and America. It is worth mentioning that all students who choose to study abroad, assisted by our School, have managed to realize their choice.

In the context of informing our students about Universities abroad, representatives of foreign universities are invited every year to make informative talks and discuss with students any questions and concerns they may have.


Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi is a Certified Center:

  • of the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (U.C.A.S.) for the Universities of Great Britain and the United Kingdom
  • of the Common Application System for the Universities of the United States of America

Nursing & First Aid Service

  • During both the school program and summer programs (Summer camp, Enhancement courses etc.), professional university graduate nurses who can correctly handle emergencies are permanently present. Additionally, our nursing school personnel is continuously trained through specialized first aid seminars.
  • A large percentage of our teachers from all grades have also attended (and gotten certified) First Aid seminars held inside and outside the school community.
  • Our schools are contracted with a specific Labor Doctor, who immediately comes to an emergency.
  • For all schoolchildren a complete and up-to-date medical record is maintained.
  • Parents and guardians of our students are immediately informed of any medical occurrences during the school program.

School Meals

In Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi, proper and balanced nutrition is an important resource for the smooth and complete physical, mental and emotional development of students.

  • Our students feed on a daily lunch with thoughtful materials, covering the nutritional needs of our children in a balanced way.
  • The menu, which is communicated to parents for each month, is prepared by a dedicated dietician to meet the nutritional needs of the pupils, according to their age.
  • The food is prepared and cooked in the kitchen of our School by a professional chef.
  • Primary School pupils are fed together, each class, in the school’s dining room, under the supervision of teachers.
  • For the students of Junior High School and Senior High School there is the possibility of buying a main meal and a salad, prepared in the kitchen of our School.
  • Within the school there are two canteens, one for elementary school pupils and one for junior high school and senior high school students with carefully selected and healthy products.


Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi has modern privately-owned school buses that meet all modern safety standards. There is an escort present in every bus is throughout each run. Each child has his / her own seat in the school bus and sits according to the class he / she is attending.


The School Portal is an integrated Learning, School and Parents collaboration, interaction and information system. This is a particularly easy-to-use platform, accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones.

Teachers of all grades use the platform to post additional training material for each lesson, thus broadening their teaching out of the narrow context of the classroom.

The platform also enables students and parents to be informed about the tasks of the day, grades in major competitions and the descriptive assessment of the four-month high school.

Student Security

Preserving the safety of students of Ekpedeftiki Anagennisi and providing a risk-free school environment is a priority for our School. The above objectives are achieved via the following methods:

  • Access control using a visitor card
  • Exit permission to Junior High School and Senior High School students only with written consent from parents and guardians
  • Daily phone check for absent students
  • Supervisors during breaks with specifically designated areas of responsibility.
  • Replacement professor – supervisor in the classroom in the case of a teacher’s illness
  • Safety and control within the classroom, during breaks, in out-of-school activities (educational visits, excursions, etc.).
  • All students are covered by private insurance throughout the school day, within the School or on journeys (eg on excursions and educational visits)

Teaching Aids

Teaching aids:

  • serve as supporting aids to the educational process, ensuring the deepening of the cognitive field and the teaching of organized and solid structured thinking, elements that characterize and constitute a permanent objective of our School
  • are provided free of charge to students of all grades (Kindergarten – Primary School – Senior High School).
  • are original writings of our teachers, who have the academic experience and knowledge for the adequate and in-depth coverage of each subject.
  • Summer Camp
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