Corporate social responsibility

The Programme “Actions for Everyone” consists of Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives through which students are trained to become Socially Responsible Citizens, by taking action in matters connected to their fellow humans, society and the environment in a meaningful and people-centred way.
Our annual Christmas Bazaar, organised by our students with the cooperation of the Parents’ and Alumni Associations, as well as our regular cultural events such as the annual Open Weekend and choir concerts to mention a few, raises funds to support organisations, institutions, hospitals and local communities in need.
Some of our contributions include donating:
- An ambulance to children’s Hospitals
- Two state-of-the-art sonographs to “Ayia Sofia” and “Panayioti and Aglaias Kyriakou” Children’s Hospitals
- A device for specialised cytology tests to Choremio Research Laboratory of the Children’s Hospitals
- A fire truck for the protection of Parnitha
- Logistical infrastructure to the Penteli Infirmary (formerly “PIKPA”)
- Financial support for specific actions of associations such as Parents Association of Children with Neoplastic Diseases “Pisti”, The Smile of the Child, Individuals with Genetic Syndromes Association “Mellon”, Arogi Foundation, Make a wish Foundation, SOS Villages
- Goods to support oranisations and institutions such as Lyreio Children’s Foundation, ELIZA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Zanneio Orphanage, the Christian Accomodation for Girls Foundation “Ayia Anna”, the St. George Church social supermarket in Kamatero, Krikos Zois Society, the 28th Acharnon Primary School, the Athens municipality homeless shelter, Dionisos municipality Social services
Plastic caps collected for the purchase of a wheelchair for the Prevention and Support of Underage Victims of Traffic Accidents Association
Annual Voluntary Blood Donation
The annual blood donation is one of the main social actions of the school and is made possible through the support of the Parents’ and Alumni Associations and in cooperation with large healthcare institutions. We aim to raise participation and awareness of Blood Donors, in order to collect blood units to be used by students, families and staff in cases of emergency.